Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009

My first night in 2009 was a bad one. After a pleasant new year's eve with a couple of friends, I slept for only 5 hours. That's because very early in the morning I woke up with a great idea, and I could hardly get back to sleep. But I will tell you about that idea another time.

First things first… I need to say goodbye to 2008. It was a good year. My previous great idea (about one year ago) was to start this blog, and it's success has surpassed my wildest expectations. I am thankful to everyone who has subscribed to this blog, and all the people who took the time visiting the site, adding comments and sending me numerous emails. And sure, this includes the guys with the latest comments, who think my work sucks. I love you all!

To round off the year, I give you this list of the most popular articles I wrote in the past year (based on their traffic statistics). And if you think I can do better than this, then I invite you to let me know how!

1 The Definitive List of Software Development Methodologies
2 10 Principles of Agile Project Time Management
3 The Perfect Job Interview Question
4 Thank You, Stupid Americans
5 How to Select a Fine Technical Manager
6 How to Handle Many Simultaneous Projects
7 No, I Will NOT Call Your Ex-Boss
8 You Weren't Meant to Have a Boss, But It Helps…
9 The 1st Law of Software Development
10 A Theory of Everything for Software Development
11 Fixed Price Contracts in Agile Projects
12 How to Do Many Projects with Few People (Part 1)
13 The Single Best Source Control Model
14 Top Five Reasons Why Prince2 Sucks
15 Professionalism = Knowledge First, Experience Last
16 To Motivate People… Balance Your Practices
17 The Rate-Your-Manager Test!
18 Make It Simple vs. Do It Simple
19 How to Do Many Projects (Part 2): Matrix Management
20 Time Sheets: Squashed Between Jeff Sutherland and Joel Spolsky
21 The 12 Best Questions for Team Members
22 Simple vs. Complicated vs. Complex vs. Chaotic
23 To Motivate or Not to Demotivate
24 How to Create a Pre-Project Document
25 How to Do Many Projects (Part 4): Resource Planning

Note that the articles above don't include the wildly popular lists that contributed significantly to the success of this blog. In fact, the following 7 lists outperformed most of my "normal" articles. You probably already knew about them, but I'm listing them here for the people who might have been trapped in some ice sheet until global warming set them free, and for that reason were unfortunate enough to miss these posts.

1 Top 100 Blogs for Development Managers (Q3 2008)
2 Top 100 Best Software Engineering Books, Ever
3 Top 100 Blogs for Developers (Q4 2008)
4 Top 50 Twitterers to Follow for Developers
5 Top 100 Best Books for Managers, Leaders & Humans
6 Top 25 Most Popular Software Engineers
7 Top 20 Best Agile Development Books, Ever

And, last but not least, I'm separately listing the interviews I did with 15 great names of our industry. I am thankful for the contributions these famous people made to my blog. And I'm proud to have their names appear in my posts.

5 Easy Questions for Ron Jeffries
5 Easy Questions for Mike Cohn
5 Easy Questions for Scott Rosenberg
5 Easy Questions for Luke Hohmann
5 Easy Questions for Karl Fogel
5 Easy Questions for Randall Hyde
5 Easy Questions for Jared Richardson
5 Easy Questions for Kathy Schwalbe

5 Easy Questions for Grady Booch
5 Easy Questions for Mary Poppendieck
5 Easy Questions for Robert L. Glass
5 Easy Questions for Steve McConnell
5 Easy Questions for Scott Berkun
5 Easy Questions for Alistair Cockburn
5 Easy Questions for Johanna Rothman
5 Easy Questions for Myself

That's all for now folks. I wish you all a great 2009, and I sincerely hope you all want to stick around with me for a while…

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