performance (7)

The Scoreboard Index versus The Twelve Principles of Measurements

Those who’ve read my #Workout book are probably familiar with the 12 principles for metrics in the Metrics Ecosystem chapter. Last ...

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How to Measure Your Team’s Performance: The Scoreboard Index

How do you measure performance?
How can you visualize improvement?

I designed a simple new practice for measuring and visual...

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How to Improve OKRs (Flow, not Sync)

After failing dramatically with my professional OKRs in the first quarter of this year (hint: I was no exception in my team), I want to t...

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The Results of My First OKRs (Running)

A popular topic in the new one-day Management 3.0 workshop is the OKRs system for performance measurement. (See Google’s YouTube video ...

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No Ingrese Su Tarjeta

No Ingrese Su Tarjeta

The happiness of people doesn’t necessarily lead to improvement of their work.

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Don't Make Goals, Make Options

Don’t Make Goals… Make Room and Make Options

Don’t bother making goals. Just get rid of waste and create options. And let the good things happen.

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Competence Development: The Cone of Incompetence

Managers are responsible for competence development in an organization. But, for some reason, this doesn't always happen. Steve McCon...

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