Uncategorized (77)

Can you help me out of my crisis?

I’m in crisis mode.I can use your help. My Agility Scales startup has failed (so far) and is temporarily on hold, waiting for an opport...

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Your Work Is a Vortex, Not a Merry-go-round

People sometimes ask me, “What’s your process? How do you write your books? How do you create your presentations? How do you ...

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Wanted: T-Skilled Marketing Wizard

My name is Jurgen Appelo. I am the author of Management 3.0, How to Change the World, #Workout, and Managing for Happiness. Next year, I ...

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Wanted: T-Skilled Design Hero

My name is Jurgen Appelo. I am the author of Management 3.0, How to Change the World, #Workout, and Managing for Happiness. Next year, I ...

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How to Earn Your Medal

I was 11 years old when I participated in our small town’s annual four-day swimathon. It was less spectacular than it sounds: kids ...

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Better Management with Fewer Managers (video)

In modern businesses managers are expected to be “servant leaders” and “systems thinkers”. But nobody explains ho...

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Management 3.0 Book Tour

You Make It Happen (I Go Where People Send Me)

I don’t decide which countries I go to. You do. My new one-day workshop follows an important principle: I go where people send me. Se...

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Dare to Improve Your Conference

I have been talking about better conferences several times, but I’ve decided to stop doing that. A recurring theme at the DARE conferen...

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Move Your Desk

The more I thought about the idea of walking around, the more I got the feeling that the practice is suboptimal. Years ago I realized tha...

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Move Your Feet

The advice to walk around in the organization is often presented under the Japanese name Gemba, which says that one ought to be there whe...

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Delegate, Delegate, Delegate…

At the start of the year I wrote about 5 Things I Will Change in 2013. One of them concerned the delegation of more Management 3.0 course...

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Blog Post #700

Actually, the previous blog post was number 700. This is blog post #701. I wrote blog post #600 almost a year ago. In that year my reader...

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I really had fun getting to know the canadian cigarette brands sold through They were amazing kind and really try to give back to the community.