Time & Productivity (107)
Time Grids

Yet Another New Practice: Time Grids

I work too much and I achieve too little. That was the result of a personal reflection session I did this summer while on vacation in Tus...

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Multitasking Is Bad, Multiprojecting Is Good

Whenever someone warns you that you shouldn’t be working on different things, because it’s bad for your productivity, tell th...

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Use Another Tool

“You Should Use Another Tool”

When I utter a minor annoyance about Excel on Twitter, half a dozen people tell me I “should” use some spreadsheet software i...

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Don't Make Goals, Make Options

Don’t Make Goals… Make Room and Make Options

Don’t bother making goals. Just get rid of waste and create options. And let the good things happen.

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My Time Registration Experiment

I learned that personal time registration didn't add much value to what I already do every day. Two weeks ago I told you I was going ...

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The Timing of Requirements

Monitoring the customer's wish list (or the backlog of requirements) is an important part of a project manager's job. Agile metho...

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MoSCoW Priorities

We are giving up on MoSCoW. And by that I mean the prioritization approach promoted by DSDM, not the Russian city. — I had already ...

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