Paradigm Shift

Thanks for the Paradigm Shifts!

Once, not so long ago, a paradigm shift was a change of thinking in scientific theory. It happened once every few decades or longer.
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What Comes After Management 3.0

What Comes After Management 3.0?

One question I get a lot is this one:

“Is your next book called Management 4.0?”

The 7,000 people who asked me this sam...

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One Best Answer

The One Best Answer

What is the One Best Answer to lazy questions? It sometimes seems journalists have only one question, and they ask it in many different f...

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Yet Another Report

Yet Another Report

In order to solve real problems, maybe governments should not write yet another report. One of my favorite articles ever about the Dutc...

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DARE Festivals (15 Minutes on Air)

This is my third experiment with 15-minute interviews using Hangouts on Air. I keep experimenting with 15-minute interviews. I like the c...

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Champfrogs Checklist Status

The Champfrogs Checklist: Status

To get people talking about your ideas you can mint social currency to enable people to gain status. Now we’re finally at the end of th...

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Agile FM

Agile.FM Podcast

Jochen Krebs of the Agile NYC community, and host of Agile.FM, asked me to participate in a podcast. We talked about Management 3.0 Worko...

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Looking Good

No Good Reason Not to Look Good

According to a recent Harvard Business Review article (which I don’t have with me right now, sorry) almost all professions in the i...

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Champfrogs Checklist: Goal

The Champfrogs Checklist: Goal

If you understand which goal people have on their minds, you can motivate them more easily. It is said that men have only one thing on th...

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Champfrogs Checklist

The Champfrogs Checklist: Order

By reducing the number of options, and being transparent about benefits and drawbacks, you make it easier for people to choose.

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Making Money While Making a Difference (Short Video)

You reach the top of the mountain more easily when you don’t have to beg for fresh air from other people.

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Champfrogs Checklist

The Champfrogs Checklist: Relatedness

Use the principle of social proof to get people to adopt ideas, by tapping into their desire for relatedness.

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