
Business Guilds

Have you ever seen the façades on the Grand-Place in Brussels? They look absolutely amazing. In the past they were literally the image o...

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Taking Care of Horses

The original meaning of the word “management” is taking care of horses. I think some teams are like race horses, bred and nurtu...

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The Kudo Box

There are many wrong ways to reward employees. A simple but effective approach is to install a “kudo box”, which enables people to gi...

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In Which Domain Should We Have Common Sense?

When I advocate certain healthy management practices, such as the Kudo Box, Moving Motivators, or Delegation Boards, there is always some...

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“So, You Travel a Lot?”

Yes, I travel a lot. Almost as often as I answer that question. I just counted 210 days of travel this year (that’s almost 60% of my ti...

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It’s Not About Women, It’s About Networks

In the European Commission there has been talk of pushing companies in Europe to use quota for women in order to increase the number of w...

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The 6 Rules for Rewards

As I wrote yesterday, handing out rewards to employees is often implemented through bonuses. A contra-productive method that (usually) do...

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Extrinsic Motivation

In 2001 American energy and services company Enron collapsed into bankruptcy. Apparently, its managers liked their bonuses more than they...

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