Complexity Thinking (32)

First, Make Something Small That Works

I keep thinking of this quote: A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works. The inver...

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Paradigm Shift

Thanks for the Paradigm Shifts!

Once, not so long ago, a paradigm shift was a change of thinking in scientific theory. It happened once every few decades or longer.
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One Best Answer

The One Best Answer

What is the One Best Answer to lazy questions? It sometimes seems journalists have only one question, and they ask it in many different f...

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Yet Another Report

Yet Another Report

In order to solve real problems, maybe governments should not write yet another report. One of my favorite articles ever about the Dutc...

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Easy vs. Simple

You should make it easy, not just simple. And what you offer should be easy for others, not for you. Once it was easy. For me. When someo...

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Complexity Everywhere

Ernst & Young recently “discovered” that employees will resort to corruption and fraud when they are squeezed by management. Or, ...

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Stop Blaming the System!

I see it again and again. The suggestion of systems thinkers and Agile writers to stop blaming people and instead try blaming the system....

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The Meaning of Models

I was asked to read a few articles for a dialog seminar with my friends at KnowIt in Göteborg. The first one described the nine team rol...

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It’s Not About Women, It’s About Networks

In the European Commission there has been talk of pushing companies in Europe to use quota for women in order to increase the number of w...

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Many Simple Models over One Complicated Model

I see it again and again. When they have invested time and energy in a model (tool, framework, method), people have a tendency to make th...

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Deferred Terminology

Oh, how we love discussions about terminology… Is my course about management or leadership? Are the problems we discuss complex or comp...

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The Bishops of Oih versus the Knights of Nih

In a land far, far away, hard working people are trying to Do Work and Live Well. And in their attempt to do work, and live well, in an e...

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