book (14)

Don’t Be Silly

I’m giving away exclusive keynotes and webinars at the price of just a few books. Don’t be stupid. Grab that chance before Ju...

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Managing for Happiness FAQ

In June 2016, John Wiley & Sons will release my “new” book Managing for Happiness, which will be a re-release of last ...

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Publish Your Tip or Story in My Book!

My publisher wants to see more concrete experiences in the new book, Managing for Happiness. That is why every chapter in the re-release ...

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Five Years Ago

On October 1, 2010, I started my life as a self-employed entrepreneur. My full-color high-quality #Workout book costs ONLY EUR 15.00 excl...

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How to Design a Book Cover… 5 Rules

One of the hardest parts of the book writing process is the design of the cover. Some experts claim the book cover is the most important ...

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Book Celebration (and Invitation)!

By now all the different editions of my new book Management 3.0 #Workout are finished and published. The book, easily the most colorful a...

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My Offer to Book Resellers

There are two great aspects to people complaining about the shipping fees of my book:

It shows that readers care. They want the bo...

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#Workout – Premium Print Edition

The new Management 3.0 #Workout book is already available in PDF, Kindle and ePUB versions. And in just a few weeks, readers will be able...

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3 Questions for Peter Morville about Intertwingled

Recently, I read the book Intertwingled, by Peter Morville. I liked it a lot! This was my tweet-size review:

Loved the stories and...

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Write a Tagline – Win a Book!

We recently improved the story that explains what Happy Melly is all about. We’re curious what you think! Read the story, and email...

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Why I Changed the Title of My New Book

#WorkoutThe original title of my new book was Management 3.0 Workout. It was the result of a long and challenging process in which I lear...

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Checklist for Book Writers

Yesterday, in my hangout with Jason Little, I discussed the benefits of having a checklist for book chapters. I already published a blog ...

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