Five Years Ago

Five years ago, I wrote, “This was my last day at ISM eCompany.” On October 1, 2010, I started my life as a self-employed entrepreneur. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Five years ago, I wrote, “I have no idea what the world looks like where I’m going. It’s both exciting and scary.” By now, I know quite well what my new life looks like. It has been every bit as exciting as I thought it would be (and a lot less scary).

Five years ago, I wrote, “I hope you will keep following my adventures.” I’m glad that not only many people did, but many new followers joined me in my adventures later on.

Let’s celebrate five years of self-employed entrepreneurship!

Here’s my gift for the followers on my blog, my newsletter, and on the social networks.

My full-color high-quality #Workout book costs ONLY EUR 15.00 excluding VAT (normally EUR 27.50) for 24 hours on October 1. From exactly 00:00 to 23:59 (CEST), you can order as many copies as you like, for just EUR 15 per copy. Go ahead, make yourself (and me) happy! {8-)

Get your copies here:

Oh, and thank you for following my adventures.

Image credit: (c) 2007 Striatic, Creative Commons 2.0

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