
How to Do Many Projects (Part 3): Maintenance

In two earlier blog posts I described how we have organized the software development efforts in our company. I wrote about cross-function...

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How Smart Managers Think

Delegation of control is the best way to keep software projects manageable. And that's not just because our projects behave like wild...

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I’m Out of Control

Yesterday I suffered a typical case of food-poisoning. While my body was busy jettisoning the unwanted stuff from all sides, I had ample ...

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How to Do Many Projects (Part 2): Matrix Management

In How to Do Many Projects (Part 1) I explained that it is good to have multi-functional teams, where each team includes a project manage...

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The Rate-Your-Manager Test!

Here's a test that everyone has been waiting for (without really knowing it). This Rate-Your-Manager Test will tell you how good your...

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And the Winner Is…

Yes I know, I know! It took me way too long to announce the winner for the $100 Book Contest. Sorry about that, folks. I was being distra...

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How to Do Many Projects with Few People (Part 1)

Given the problem (most managers call it a 'challenge') of running many dozens of projects concurrently, with just a small number...

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I’m Too Nice

I'm conditioned to be a nice guy. And it's all my mother's fault. I'm sure of that. Yesterday I drove from San Francisco ...

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To Motivate or Not to Demotivate

Some people tell me that "you cannot motivate a person". You can only "remove the impediments that prevent a person from b...

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5 Easy Questions for Kathy Schwalbe

On this blog I have published interviews with Steve McConnell, Johanna Rothman, Alistair Cockburn, Robert L. Glass, Scott Berkun, Mary Po...

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The $100 Software Development Books Contest

Here's just a quick note to let you know that I've picked a jury to decide on the winner in the $100 Software Development Books C...

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Joel on Software: Book(s) Review

WARNING! This is an experiment! I have been asked to do a book review on two books by Joel Spolsky: Joel on Software and More Joel on Sof...

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