Are You Agile When You're Going Fast

Are You Agile When You’re Going Fast?

Last year I was in a discussion with the CEO and a dozen top managers of a mobile apps developer in Shanghai, China. The company was very...

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Improvisational Theatre

Improvise and Catalyze

Now that we know our positive inquiry into an organization is best initiated with powerful questions, it is useful to learn a bit more ab...

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Powerful Questions

What Are Powerful Questions?

Knowing that we should inquire into an organization in a positive way (see my post about Appreciative Inquiry), it is useful to know what...

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Appreciative Inquiry

From Appreciative Inquiry to Complexity Thinking

I appreciate the importance of catalyzing each other’s performance in an organization, and I think it’s worth finding out what kind o...

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UK and Bulgaria

My Book Tour Comes to UK and Bulgaria

The priorities for my new Global Management 3.0 Workout Book Tour are based on a backlog of countries, which is in turn based on the subs...

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Managers Are Smarter

Why Managers Are Smarter, and Management Isn’t

I got involved in an interesting email discussion about the question whether the work of managers requires smarter people. This is what s...

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Kudo Box

Virtual Kudo Box

I already had a Kudo Box article, and physical kudo cards.

Now there is an online Kudo Box application to help you send a token of...

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Management Workout

Register Now for the Management 3.0 Workout Book Tour Workshop!

I will celebrate the upcoming release of my new book by visiting cities all over the world with a brand new one-day workshop. It’s all ...

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Innovation Is Not Only in Your Code

Innovation Is Not Only in Your Code

I was invited to speak at an interesting company event in Gent two days ago, where I discussed running experiments with Exploration Days,...

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Combine Your Weaknesses with Your Strengths

Combine Your Weaknesses with Your Strengths

I have two major weaknesses. (Well, actually many more, but this should be a blog post, not a book.) My first weakness is I hate sports. ...

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