
So Long, and Thanks For All the Fuss

At first, I wasn’t really enthusiastic about the idea of working for ISM eCompany. But the owner and CEO of the company at that time (n...

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Continuous Reflection *Before* Time Management

I recently reflected on my daily breakfast, and noticed that I didn’t really enjoy it. Swallowing two slices of bread, and one glass of...

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There is another page with a complete archive of all months and categories available for you. And there is also a separate page...

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I like making lists. Here you can find a complete overview of the lists that I published on this blog. (For some lists I have made multip...

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New Blog Design

I didn’t like my old blog layout anymore. So I designed a brand new one. Gone are the stupid Google ads, which barely generated revenue...

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The Best Used Books in My Library

Last week I finished the last minor boring details of my book. One of my many mind-numbing tasks was to cross-check all references (in th...

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Simplicity: A New Model

Note: This article will be is part of the book Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders. Ah, simplicity. We all...

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Iterate Your Flawed Models

I recently came across the Top 15 Worst Logo FAILS ever. It lists a number of logo designs that, in all their innocence, invite all kinds...

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