Book Review (10)

Interview with Dave Gray about The Connected Company

Last year, I read the book The Connected Company by Dave Gray, and I gave it five stars. As an experiment, I decided to reach out to Dave...

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Best Books 2013

The 20 Best Books I Read in 2013

These are the 20 best books I read in 2013, ranked by number of highlights on Amazon Kindle.

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How to Read Non-Fiction Books

I read a lot. Many dozens of non-fiction books per year. And sometimes people ask me, how do you do that? How do you read all those books...

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The 12 Best Books I Read in 2012

What would we do without “Best Of” lists at the end of the year? I have been playing World of Goo because I found it on a list of Bes...

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Quotes on Kindle

I read almost all (non-fiction) books on Kindle nowadays, and I highlight the texts that I find most interesting. If you want you can fol...

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Seth Godin, a Single Strategy God

On the plane from Beijing to Amsterdam I read Linchpin by Seth Godin. OK, I tried reading it. I gave up after about 40 pages and 400 simp...

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Agile & Iterative Development

I just finished Agile & Iterative Development: A Manager's Guide by Craig Larman, the #8 person on the Top 25 list of Most Popula...

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Professional Software Development

I just finished reading the book Professional Software Development, by Steve McConnell. I think Steve’s previous books (particularl...

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Death March

I just finished reading Death March (Second Edition), by Edward Yourdon. I liked the fact that it referred to Dynamical Systems Theory (w...

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Brooks: The Mythical Man-Month

This week I have been reading the famous book by Frederick P. Brooks Jr., called The Mythical Man-Month (1995 Anniversary Edition). I fou...

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