Last year, I read the book The Connected Company by Dave Gray, and I gave it five stars. As an experiment, I decided to reach out to Dave...
These are the 20 best books I read in 2013, ranked by number of highlights on Amazon Kindle.
I read a lot. Many dozens of non-fiction books per year. And sometimes people ask me, how do you do that? How do you read all those books...
What would we do without “Best Of” lists at the end of the year? I have been playing World of Goo because I found it on a list of Bes...
I read almost all (non-fiction) books on Kindle nowadays, and I highlight the texts that I find most interesting. If you want you can fol...
On the plane from Beijing to Amsterdam I read Linchpin by Seth Godin. OK, I tried reading it. I gave up after about 40 pages and 400 simp...
I just finished Agile & Iterative Development: A Manager's Guide by Craig Larman, the #8 person on the Top 25 list of Most Popula...
I just finished reading the book Professional Software Development, by Steve McConnell. I think Steve’s previous books (particularl...
I just finished reading Death March (Second Edition), by Edward Yourdon. I liked the fact that it referred to Dynamical Systems Theory (w...
This week I have been reading the famous book by Frederick P. Brooks Jr., called The Mythical Man-Month (1995 Anniversary Edition). I fou...