
5 Questions From a Reader

Today I don't feel like writing. I'm in Brussels (Belgium), having escaped from Queen's Day in The Netherlands, my least favo...

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Empowered, Whether You Like It or Not

Today a decision had to be made. We have three big new projects, and we have two locations in which to execute these projects. Obviously,...

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Rehire Every Employee, Every Day

Two years ago my partner and I bought three small (but expensive) olive trees for our roof terrace. We carefully planted the trees in ver...

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The Progress on My Book

Many, many people (at least two) have asked me about the progress on the book I'm writing. So I thought it would be interesting to gi...

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Accountable or Responsible?

When are you responsible? And when are you accountable?
I feel responsible for writing these blog posts. But am I also accountable ...

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Leader vs. Ruler: Which One Are You?

When I was trying to search for "leaders vs. rulers" on Google, I found many references to governments, royalty, and the milita...

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To See Is to Follow

Today I started following Ashton Kutcher on Twitter. I didn't really think about this decision for long. It's just that Ashton is...

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The Big Agile Practices Survey

There are several agile surveys, most notably those of VersionOne and Scott Ambler. However, while those surveys are very useful, neither...

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How to Do Things Your Customer Didn’t Ask For

Some time ago I got a question from Sebastiaan, one of my colleagues. He told me he was struggling with an important issue: Should we spe...

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So, Now You’re an Agilist… What’s Next?

This week I did a presentation at SPA 2009 and Skills Matter in London. (And I did the same one last week for Agile Holland.) Just like m...

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The Optimal Team Size is Five

What is the optimal size of a team? People have been trying to answer this question for ages, and there seems to be little consensus. At ...

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The Big List of Agile Practices

This post is probably going to be hated and loved at the same time. Because, when people talk about agile practices, they can sometimes b...

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I really had fun getting to know the canadian cigarette brands sold through They were amazing kind and really try to give back to the community.