
Hyper-Productivity, or Autocatalysis

The day I wrote this text I had been drawing screen designs with Paint.NET. The only reason is that, in our team of five people, I happen...

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Blog Post #400

It’s becoming sort of a tradition for me to reflect on my blog writing at every 100th post. And so here it is, the 400th blog post! Sin...

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Be Selfish… Work Together

I am a selfish person. Though I gladly do things for other people, and give stuff away for free, I tend to do that when I believe I’m b...

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The Three Manifestos

I was in a creative mood… The Manifesto for Agile Software Development… (You can download the big version of this image here....

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Network Effects: Waiting for the Tipping Point

Twitter changed my life. As an introvert I have never been eager to talk about myself. But on Twitter it’s different. At times it seems...

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The Pain of Having Friends on a Dozen Networks

Let me tell you a bit of my work… I have followers on Twitter, friends on Facebook, contacts on LinkedIn, and many more...

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The 9 Capabilities of Communicators

Based on our earlier observation of what communication really means, with signals traveling from one mind to another, and overcoming many...

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Communicators: 2 * Three Types of People

In mathematics and sociology a small-world network is a system in which all agents can be reached from every other agent with only a smal...

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Contest: Win a $250.34 Amazon Gift Certificate!

I am a happy person… I have finished writing all the main chapters of my book. Now I only need to write the introduction and conclusion...

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So, Now You’re An Agilist… What’s Next? (video)

This is another video of a talk that I did in Cluj, Romania. Like the one I posted last week, it was organized by the Transylvania Java U...

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The Nonsense of Leadership (Princes and Priests)

Leadership is a term used by many, but sometimes understood by only a few. Again and again I feel compelled to question ideas about leade...

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