My Workshops (23)
Book Tour 2014

Book Tour Schedule 2014

Last week was Sweden-week in the Management 3.0 Book Tour, with workshops in Stockholm and Gothenburg. (Check out the videos!) This week ...

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Workshop Experiments

Experimenting with Better Workshops

The first two workshops were a bit scary! (Well, for me they were.) As a facilitator, I’m trying many things for the first time. So...

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The Post-Workshop

The Post-Workshop

Usually, what happens after a course, conference, or workshop is that you get asked to evaluate the event. Maybe the organizers also shar...

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The Pre-Workshop

Usually, when I give two-day courses, all participants (including me) see each other for the first time on the morning of the first day. ...

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Management 3.0 Facilitators Gathering

The best way to promote a better way of working is tolead by example, and practice what you preach.

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Bad Agile Salads

My Management 3.0 licensing terms are quite fair and easy. I don’t certify trainers because there’s no fun in judging other people’...

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Management 3.0 in Chicago and Oslo

I usually don’t blog to promote individual courses, but I will make an exception this time. That’s because my courses in Chicago and ...

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Planning My 2nd World Tour

If you read my posts about my China experience, you probably noticed how enthusiastic I was about the journey. (Apart form the flu, of co...

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Management 3.0 in the USA

Yesterday, Uncle Bob was denied access to the UK where he planned to give a course. It is small comfort to know I’m not the only one, a...

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Delegate the Course, Trust the Trainers

Management 3.0 applied to courses means I delegate to motivated trainers, and trust them to self-organize. This November month will be ve...

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My Management 3.0 World Tour

I am trying to plan a world tour covering USA, Canada, Australia, China, India and South America. The last couple of months I’ve been g...

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Agile Licensing

My team and I have started licensing the Management 3.0 course. And so I have been wondering about this thing called a “license”. li�...

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