
Management 3.0 in the USA

Yesterday, Uncle Bob was denied access to the UK where he planned to give a course. It is small comfort to know I’m not the only one, a...

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Systems Thinking in a Bar

People assume that systems exist, but they are nothing more than abstractions in our minds. They exist because we think. What would happe...

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Complexity versus Lean versus Agile versus Me

While the experts are battling over each others’ ideas, I remind myself that all models are useful (though some fail faster than others...

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The Mojito Method

The Mojito Method is about copying other people's good ideas and mixing them into something that is even more amazing. Many times I h...

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The Happiness Door, Another Great Feedback Method

Do you want to collect feedback during your course or conference? Try the happiness door! It works well for me. Sometimes people just wri...

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Best and Most Up-to-date Agile/Lean Books

On Twitter I asked my followers “Which books do you think are the best/most up-to-date in terms of Agile/Lean thinking?” I received 2...

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Delegate the Course, Trust the Trainers

Management 3.0 applied to courses means I delegate to motivated trainers, and trust them to self-organize. This November month will be ve...

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Networked Kanban

I am wondering if maybe some people should try and replace their regular Kanban board with a networked Kanban variant. I love the princip...

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