hangoutsonair (5)

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and… Finland

Registration for Austria and Switzerland has also opened last week! And we added Denmark into the mix, just for fun!

Would you li...

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Hanging out...

Hanging Out

This week I spent more time hangout out with people, which means less time is available for my blog. Sorry about that! (Also, I have a bo...

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Beyond Budgeting

Beyond Budgeting – 15 Minutes on Air with Bjarte Bogsnes

An interview with Bjarte Bogsnes, author of Implementing Beyond Budgeting

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DARE Festivals (15 Minutes on Air)

This is my third experiment with 15-minute interviews using Hangouts on Air. I keep experimenting with 15-minute interviews. I like the c...

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Why Write a Book? (15 Minutes on Air)

In this (experimental) hangout I discuss with Ángel Medinilla what he learned from writing his book Agile Management.

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I really had fun getting to know the canadian cigarette brands sold through Discountciggs.com. They were amazing kind and really try to give back to the community.