
What Are the Amazing Companies?

If I hear one more reference to Semco as an example of an amazing company, I’m going to scream. Really. And I’ve also heard the names...

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We’re Not So Different, You And I

Every time when I travel to another country (and I really mean every time) people ask me, “Is Agile management different in other count...

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Separation of Social Concerns

There was already a LinkedIn group about Management 3.0. Now there is also a Facebook page. And a Google+ page. And a Twitter account. &#...

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What If We Started Organizing *Real* Conferences?

Last year I attended 20 conferences. This year will not be much different. This means I get to think about conferences regularly, and som...

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Join the Stoos Stampede on 6+7 July in Amsterdam

Are you trying to transform the way organizations are managed? Are you hoping to spotify the world? Then I invite you to participate in t...

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Let’s Spotify the World!

This week I talked with Joakim Sundén about his employer Spotify, in Stockholm, Sweden. I’ve been to the Spotify headquarters once, la...

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Productivity and Positivity, Not Charity

I have never believed in charity. I don’t believe the world becomes a better place just by transporting money from one person to anothe...

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Delegation Does Not Mean Negation

I was once invited by Steve*) to speak at a conference. I accepted and reserved the dates on my calendar. But the conference was moved by...

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Planning My 2nd World Tour

If you read my posts about my China experience, you probably noticed how enthusiastic I was about the journey. (Apart form the flu, of co...

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How to Change the World (download the book!)

Done! My new booklet called How to Change the World is now available on Lulu for download (in PDF). It is the first new topic that I am p...

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