Join the Stoos Stampede on 6+7 July in Amsterdam

Are you trying to transform the way organizations are managed?

Are you hoping to spotify the world?

Then I invite you to participate in the ultimate Agile/Lean experiment.

Stoos Gathering: The Sequel

Most of the 21 people who gathered in Stoos, Switzerland for the Stoos Gathering would like to come together for the second time. But this time the “Stoos 21” have selected an easy location to travel to: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. And the dates are 6-7 July, 2012.

However, they not only want to meet with just the same people. They also would like to meet the other people from the wider Stoos Network. But… there are 750 people in the network. And probably even more in July.

How do you organize a scalable event, for anywhere between 20 and 750 participants?

I intend to find out.

The Experiment: Stoos Stampede

If you consider yourself a catalyst for organizational change then come to Amsterdam on 6-7 July. Steve Denning says he will be there. And Roy Osherove. And Esther Derby, Christopher Avery, and yours truly. And plenty of other change agents who are more interesting than us. (Check the list here.)

We will spontaneously organize sessions. We will talk. We will play games. We will raid the local bars and coffee shops. And we will discuss how to accelerate organizational transformation.

We will make a list of locations in central Amsterdam where we can gather.

We will make a calendar of sessions where anyone can propose their ideas.

We will make suggestions for accommodation in various price categories.

But, most important, we will enjoy trying to change the world.

A Meta/Multi-Event

What we will organize is basically a scalable container for multiple small events. The “Stoos 21” can organize a few sessions to continue some discussions they couldn’t finish in January. The RE:THINK organizers can invite people to get input for their upcoming conference. People from the ALE network can prepare a next Bathtub Conference. It could be the perfect moment to start a Stoos Satellite Amsterdam. Maybe someone will propose a Fearless Amsterdam session. And there’s a good chance I will organize another Roving Coffee.

When change agents share coffee or beer, anything can happen.

The organization will start small. We will have one central room, and plenty of bars in the neighborhood, anticipating at least 20 change agents. But we plan to scale. Amsterdam can easily swallow a stampede of 750 people. And much more, if needed.

Join Us!

Click here and add yourself to group if you want to join the stampede in Amsterdam.

And I’m looking for co-organizers. Contact me if you want to kick-start this unique event.

No matter if we’re with 20 or 750 people, it will be fun. 🙂

And don't ask me for any more details. We just started planning a few days ago. Simply join the group and see what emerges over the next few weeks…

p.s. Before the Stoos Stampede in Amsterdam, there will be a StoosXChange in Germany. The events are related, but different. We hope to see you at either, or both!

(picture by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)

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