Reviews (10)

Join the CLUB (Coding Like Uncle Bob)

Today I thought of a solution to the wide-spread problem of programmers writing crappy code and causing problems with the delivery of low...

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Joel on Software: Book(s) Review

WARNING! This is an experiment! I have been asked to do a book review on two books by Joel Spolsky: Joel on Software and More Joel on Sof...

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Book Review: User Stories Applied

The concept of writing user stories, as a way of documenting requirements, was introduced and popularized with Extreme Programming, and t...

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Alistair Cockburn’s Latest Presentation

I recently attended a presentation by Alistair Cockburn, one of the 17 signatories of the Agile Manifesto. The presentation was superb, a...

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Book Review: The Systems Bible

I just read the first part of a very interesting little book called The Systems Bible: The Beginner's Guide to Systems Large and Smal...

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Book Review: Fish!

I just finished reading a little book called Fish!. It's subtitle is "A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results"...

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Book Review: Agile Project Management with Scrum

Jurgen! What's your opinion on Scrum books? For many agile practitioners, particularly the ScrumMasters among us, books by Ken Schwab...

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Book Review: Agile Management for Software Engineering

I have finished reading Agile Management for Software Engineering, a book by David J. Anderson, and I am very impressed. Granted, the boo...

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Death March

I just finished reading Death March (Second Edition), by Edward Yourdon. I liked the fact that it referred to Dynamical Systems Theory (w...

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The Craft of Maintenance

I just finished reading Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering, by Robert L. Glass. It is a good book. I particularly liked Glass...

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