
Why Not Delight the Supplier?

Yesterday I noticed that an invoice for the Moving Motivator cards from my printer had been hanging around in my “to-pay” folder for ...

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Bad Agile Salads

My Management 3.0 licensing terms are quite fair and easy. I don’t certify trainers because there’s no fun in judging other people’...

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Let’s Help Melly (Changing Work Into Life)

I’ve worked for 8 weeks on my newest presentation. Not full-time of course. Just on and off, between conquering the world and annoying ...

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My Happiness Index Is Dead

The more I think about the happiness index, the more I think it’s broken. We should change it into an improvement index. Today I was ve...

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What Exactly Is the Organization?

People talk about “transforming organizations”, “the culture of organizations” and “the lifetime of organizations”. But can s...

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How to Change the World – Translations

My little How to Change the World book is doing quite well. In less than five months 1250 copies were sold, which is not bad for a self-p...

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The Trojan Form of Change

It happened again. Some people at the (wildy awesome) ALE 2012 unconference said, “We need to get more managers/leaders/aliens to this ...

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