workshop (10)

Registration Opens for More Workshops

I’m very happy to say that the Management 3.0 Workout sessions so far have been well received, and they’re getting better eve...

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Workshop Experiments

Experimenting with Better Workshops

The first two workshops were a bit scary! (Well, for me they were.) As a facilitator, I’m trying many things for the first time. So...

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Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and… Finland

Registration for Austria and Switzerland has also opened last week! And we added Denmark into the mix, just for fun!

Would you li...

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The Post-Workshop

The Post-Workshop

Usually, what happens after a course, conference, or workshop is that you get asked to evaluate the event. Maybe the organizers also shar...

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The Pre-Workshop

Usually, when I give two-day courses, all participants (including me) see each other for the first time on the morning of the first day. ...

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One-Day Workshop Part 1

Management 3.0 Workout: One-Day Workshop (Part 1)

While I am frantically working to finish my new book (with three copy editors and fifty proof readers) I’m also developing ideas for th...

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Management Workout

Register Now for the Management 3.0 Workout Book Tour Workshop!

I will celebrate the upcoming release of my new book by visiting cities all over the world with a brand new one-day workshop. It’s all ...

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8 Reasons NOT to do an Agile Management Course

You are already running a perfect business. Why should you need an Agile Management course? So, you do software development “the Agile ...

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Agile Management Course (beta): Prologue

Tomorrow is the first big test of my course. I’m in my hotel room in Helsinki, reviewing the slides, exercises and games of my brand ne...

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Agile Management Course – 2nd Iteration DONE

The Agile Management Course I am developing is steadily taking form, and its exercises are shaping up nicely. Last week I organized a one...

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