8 Reasons NOT to do an Agile Management Course

You are already running a perfect business. Why should you need an Agile Management course?

So, you do software development “the Agile way”… You already have self-organizing teams practicing Scrum; you have sent some people to a ScrumMaster course; and managers in your organization are told to “be leaders instead of managers”.

Here are 8 reasons why that might be enough…

  1. You already know different approaches and uses of Agile, Lean, Scrum, XP, and Kanban, and how to introduce and combine them in your organization.
  2. You already know how to apply systems thinking to your business, and you treat teams as complex adaptive systems instead of factory lines or engines.
  3. Your people are already fully energized and motivated. They think nothing is more fun, challenging, and rewarding than finishing their current project before the next deadline.
  4. You already know how to delegate stuff to teams. It’s like, “I don’t care how you do it, just make sure that this gets done by the end of the month. I’ll see you then.”
  5. You have self-organizing teams, and self-organization always leads to good results. Management constraints are so 20th century. Just like government laws in a free society are just useless overhead.
  6. You don’t have any trouble with unskilled or undisciplined people. All employees were already fully competent when they came flying in through the windows on their broomsticks.
  7. You don’t need to think about the structure of your organization, because the self-organizing teams can decide for themselves how to grow their own departments and business units.
  8. You don’t need to concern yourself with business improvement, because all improvement efforts are already addressed by a few dozen Kanban boards all over the organization.

Congratulations, you seem to have a perfect business!

However, if you’re not entirely sure about some of these eight items, you might want to consider attending a 2-day Agile Management course. It’s brand new, high quality, very Agile, and created specifically for team leaders, development managers, and software developers with leadership ambitions in Agile organizations.

It’s also a lot of fun.

Join me in Mechelen (Belgium), London (UK), Hamburg (Germany), Gouda (Netherlands), Bucharest (Romania), Oslo (Norway), Cleveland or San Francisco (USA), Kiev (Ukraine), Copenhagen (Denmark) or Madrid (Spain)

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