
Two Updated Presentations

I updated two of my presentations, both of which are used in the Management 3.0 course. Check them out here: Management 3.0 – Empow...

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What Are Best Practices for Agile Managers?

What are the best practices for Agile managers? Which recurring tasks should managers put on their task lists? Yes I know, there is no su...

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Changing People’s Barriers

ADKAR is a great model to guide change management initiatives at the personal level. In an earlier post I described Change Management 3.0...

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Delight Your Stakeholders

Imagine you organized a dinner party for all stakeholders of your business. Shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees… everyone who...

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This Is Why You Will Attend ALE 2011

                You will not attend the Agile Lean Eu...

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Courses, Conferences and Events

This week marks the end of my summer vacation. Now it’s back to business-as-usual. Which, for me, means a lot of traveling around Europ...

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Top 100 Agile Books (Edition 2011)

I decided to publish a new edition of the Top 100 Agile Books, especially for my friends at Agile 2011 who are enjoying a great conferenc...

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Seth Godin, a Single Strategy God

On the plane from Beijing to Amsterdam I read Linchpin by Seth Godin. OK, I tried reading it. I gave up after about 40 pages and 400 simp...

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