Trash & Garbage (20)

New Site for Agile Managers and Team Leaders

Together with several other people I have been busy preparing a re-launch of Management 3.0. It is a site for (and by) agile managers and...

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In Defense of Scrum (Please Stop Pissing on It)

Last week Uncle Bob Martin wrote about seven “serious flaws” in Scrum. I usually agree with Bob, but not this time. Actually, I might...

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10 Principles of Agile Project Time Management

Project Time Management is one of the nine knowledge areas of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). It deals with the definit...

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Can Refactoring Grow Out of Control?

In a recent talk on architecture and agile development, Philippe Kruchten told his listeners that refactoring can grow out of control whe...

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Architects vs. Agilists (1 – 1)

Some software architects think that agile development is an irresponsible way of creating (badly structured) software, hyped by a bunch o...

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Three Levels of Acceptance Testing

At the Agile Open Europe conference I participated in a discussion on the subject of acceptance testing. One of the open ques...

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The Single Best Source Control Model

Some best practices are so evident that nobody seems to be bothered to write about them. Just have a glance at the software d...

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How to Create a Pre-Project Document

How Do You Initiate a Project?Do you just organize a kick-off meeting? With a friendly pat on the back by the customer, wishing your deve...

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Lesson Learned: Automate Project Evaluations

Jurgen! We can never find the time to evaluate our projects. How do you manage your evaluations? Project evaluations (or retrospectives) ...

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Edward Lorenz (1917 – 2008)

Edward Lorenz has died on the 16th of April. Many of you probably don’t know whom I’m talking about, so I will explain. Loren...

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Don’t Believe Anyone

I'm a disbeliever. I tend not to believe people's claims about what they think is the truth. I am Skepticism Incarnated. After ea...

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Arthur C. Clarke (or HAL vs. IBM)

Sorry, this is completely off-topic. But it’s important to me, so deal with it… It’s already been published everywhere ...

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