Videos (19)

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and… Finland

Registration for Austria and Switzerland has also opened last week! And we added Denmark into the mix, just for fun!

Would you li...

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Conversation with Dr. John Kotter

Last week I had an inspiring video chat with Dr. John P. Kotter, bestselling author of the books Leading Change and Our Iceberg is Meltin...

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Conversation with Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is the bestselling author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, and several other books about coaching and l...

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Bob Burg

Conversation with Bob Burg

Bob Burg is an expert on the topics of influence and persuasion. He is the bestselling (co)author of the The Go-Giver and he recently pub...

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What's New in Management 3.0?

What’s New in Management 3.0? (video)

I was interviewed by Andrea Darabos and Ryan Behrman, with the help of Lisette Sutherland. They asked me some interesting questions about...

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About My Video Experiment

About My Video Experiment

The experiment I’ve been running lately is making YouTube videos, called 15 Minutes on Air. The purpose of these videos is to see if I ...

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15 Minutes on Air

Management and Task-Switching – 15 Minutes on Air with Johanna Rothman

Johanna Rothman is the author of Hiring Geeks that Fit, Manage Your Project Portfolio, and many other books. I asked Johanna three questi...

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Steve Denning

Stoos and the Creative Economy – 15 Minutes on Air with Steve Denning

In an interview with Steve Denning, the author of the book Radical Management, I asked him three questions.

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Beyond Budgeting

Beyond Budgeting – 15 Minutes on Air with Bjarte Bogsnes

An interview with Bjarte Bogsnes, author of Implementing Beyond Budgeting

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How to Be a Happy Startup?

How to Be a Happy Startup? – 15 Minutes on Air with Laurence McCahill

An interview with Laurence McCahill about happy startups. Passion, purpose, people, profits… Which comes first? What is a typical m...

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What Is Remote Working?

What Is Remote Working – 15 Minutes on Air

Lisette Sutherland is an expert on remote working. I asked her these questions: What is remote working? How do we know if remote workers ...

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Agile HR – 15 Minutes on Air

This week I invited Pia-Maria Thorén for a couple of questions about Agile HR: What did you learn from the Agile HR conference? Is HR di...

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