
What Are Your 360 Degree Resolutions?

Asking your friends for new year’s resolutions helps you to commit to them, and it’s very similar to 360 Degree Dinner. I read an int...

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How Would You Name Yourself?

What name properly represents you as a modern manager? I changed my given name when I was 7 years old. I didn’t like the one my parents...

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The T-Shirt Test

You pass the t-shirt test when people proudly wear a t-shirt with the logo of your organization on it. Would you proudly wear a t-shirt w...

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Management Models, Values & Principles?

As part of the preparations for the Stoos Gathering I am collecting models, values and principles for management. Maybe you can help me? ...

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The Stoos Gathering Participants

These are the people who have committed to attend the Stoos Gathering, on January 6+7, in Switzerland. It started (for me) during the Scr...

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How Do I Deal With My $%*! Organization?

It is one of the questions I get most often… How do I deal with my crappy organization? I like my work but I don’t like what manageme...

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Global Management Warming Starts in Switzerland

At the Stoos Gathering we will discuss how to accelerate change in management and organizational transformation. W. Edwards Deming wrote ...

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Your Work Is Awesome, Your Work Is Crap

Changing the world requires telling people when you feel delighted, and when you feel you’re suffering. Last week was our annual trip t...

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