At the Stoos Gathering we will discuss how to accelerate change in management and organizational…
As part of the preparations for the Stoos Gathering I am collecting models, values and principles for management. Maybe you can help me?
There is of course my own Management 3.0 model:
And there are the principles of Steve Denning’s Radical Management:
Of course, several famous management experts have offered their own models. Henry Mintzberg described his six-plane model:
Gary Hamel came up with his five principles:
And Toyota offered a very simple set in the Toyota Way:
But let’s not rule out the greatest management thinkers of the 20th century. For example, Peter F. Drucker said there are five tasks for managers:
And W. Edwards Deming’s 14 principles were described in Out of the Crisis:
Did I forget some important management models, values or principles? Do you know any others I should check out before discussing how to accelerate global management warming?
(Jurgen Appelo is author of Management 3.0, a best-selling management book for Agile developers. It has a picture of a monster in it.)