Stoos Stampede: Develop Competence (4/6)

In the Management 3.0 model Develop Competence is about stimulating learning and measuring progress.

Better Learning

I think better learning is one of the reasons the people at the Stoos Stampede in Amsterdam got together in the first place. Organizations have sucked for decades, and Melly Shum is still hating her job.

It seems we’re not doing a great job changing the world.

I think we need better change agents, better approaches, and better collaboration. That’s why we started the Stoos Network. And that’s why I wrote the little book How to Change the World. I know, I’m just one little fish in a very big pond full of change agents. But if we coordinate the wagging of our tails, we should be able to make a big splash…

Measuring Progress

Stoos-happinessHow do you measure progress when changing the world?

I have no idea. Maybe the number of active participants in the LinkedIn group is an indicator? Or maybe we should go for the total stakeholder approach and use global happiness as the ultimate measure of success of world change?

Within the context of the event itself I was glad to see a time-scaled happiness index emerge in the central hallway. It told us the organizers and participants did a good job at generating value, at least for each other. Except for the problems with wi-fi, of course. But when you’re changing the world, it’s nice to keep some things predictable.

Go and read the Stoos Stampede Story

See also:

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  • Stoos Stampede: Align Constraints (3/6)
  • Stoos Stampede: Grow Structure (5/6)
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