Next week is the Agile 2012 conference in Dallas, and I hope to have time…
Note: this is an old list. Go here for the Top 100 Agile Books 2013.
One year ago, at the Agile 2010 conference, I came up with the idea to publish a Top 100 Agile Books. Like many of my other top 100 lists it was a great success (in terms of blog traffic).
This year I am not at the Agile 2011 conference (for various reasons, both good and bad). But nevertheless, I decided to publish a new edition of the Top 100 Agile Books, especially for my friends at Agile 2011 who are enjoying a great conference without me.
This list is based on quality (averate ratings) and quantity (number of ratings), both on and The age of the books also played a minor factor in the calculations. (Older books should keep acquiring new ratings, or else they drop in the list.)
Congratulations are in order for Roy Osherove, who pushed Mike Cohn away from the #1 slot, and Jonathan Rasmussen, the highest new entry this year with The Agile Samurai. Other high new entries are Specification by Example (Gojko Adzic), The Clean Coder (Bob Martin), The Elements of Scrum (Chris Sims), The Concise Executive Guide to Agile (Israel Gat) and Management 3.0 (hey, that’s me!).
Enjoy the list!
Update 12 August: I fixed an error in the calculations. The book Continuous Delivery (Jez Humble, David Farley) is now a new entry at #50.
TY = position this year
LY = position last year
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