Blog Post #400

It’s becoming sort of a tradition for me to reflect on my blog writing at every 100th post. And so here it is, the 400th blog post!

Since January 1 of this year this blog has had almost 110,000 visits, and 170,000 page views. That is 750 visits and 1160 page views per day on average (with a couple of peaks for some wildly popular blog posts).


As usual, most of the popular posts on my blog were top lists:

  1. Top 150 Management & Leadership Blogs
  2. Top 200 Blogs for Developers
  3. Social Media Blogs Top 200

But fortunately, the readers of this blog also seem to like some of the other content. These were the most popular posts since blog post #300:

  1. Traits That Make a Good Development Manager (guest post)
  2. Some Day Kanban Will Fail 75% of the Time
  3. ScrumButs Are the Best Part of Scrum
  4. The Danger of Lean: Ignoring Social Complexity
  5. 10 Questions to Ask Your New Manager
  6. In Defense of Scrum (Please Stop Pissing on It)
  7. Management 3.0: The Era of Complexity

It is interesting to note that the most popular blog post was a guest post, written by Alan Skorkin (thank you Alan!). And most of the other ones were a little controversial (for some people) which is proof that controversy pays. 😉

Furthermore, this blog has 4,800 feed subscribers (last time: 4,000), a Google Rank of 5 (last time: 4), an Alexa Traffic Rank of 182,902 (last time: 167,512) and a Technorati Authority of 460 (last time: 138). The number of Twitter followers now stands at 2605 (last time: 1588). So, except for the Alexa rating, all of them have been going in the right direction. Which is nice.

Thank you all for sticking around, and having faith that one day I’ll write something that’s actually useful. 😉

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