Blog Post #200

These are joyous times indeed! Immediately after celebrating the new year, and listing my most popular articles of 2008, I now arrive at my 200th blog post. Yoohoo!! (You probably don't see it but I'm actually leaning out my window and scaring the neighbours with a yell of happiness. Sort of.)

Just like last time, with blog post #100, I would like to share some of this blog's statistics with you. Feel free to skip this post if statistics don't interest you! I just know that some (other) readers like to see this kind of stuff. I promise not to bother you with this again (until blog post #300 of course).


I configured Google Analytics on July 10th, and it tells me that the site had 51,460 unique visitors since that date (with 79,428 separate visits and 121,205 page views). The peaks in the graph were caused by large numbers of visitors checking out the various top 100 lists on this site. In the month of December the blog had 16,800 unique visitors, 23,600 separate visits, and (on average) 1,135 page views per day.

Since July 10th, these were the top 25 referring sites:

# source visits
1 6,136
2 5,345
3 2,709
4 2,682
5 2,087
6 1,935
7 1,820
8 1,799
9 1,768
10 1,092
11 1,051
12 863
13 854
14 854
15 831
16 584
17 549
18 461
19 430
20 395

The Google page rank of NOOP.NL is


The Technorati authority of this blog stands at 127.

The Alexa rank is of this blog is 253,976.

And the RSS feed had 2060 subscribers today, passing the 2,000 mark for the first time only 5 days ago, on Dec 29th:


Taking all statistics together, NOOP.NL was ranked #37 in the last edition of the Top 100 Blogs for Developers (up from #65 three months earlier). It was the fastest climber on the list. My blog has managed to overtake blogging celebrities such as Johanna Rothman, Jeff Sutherland, James Shore, Mike Cohn, David Anderson, Andy Hunt and Scott Ambler. I found it particularly pleasing to see that I also managed to overtake Ted Neward (now at #44), who called me an intrepid troll about half a year ago. Of course, his qualification of my person was very accurate. But I still consider these statistics to be my sweet revenge. 🙂

Oh, and by the way… What I find very interesting is that the numbers 1 through 36 on the Top 100 list all seem to be bloggers from the US, with a few exceptions (UK and Australia). This means that NOOP.NL is now the #1 (Continental) European blog for managing software developers. That's nice, isn't it?

Well, that's as far as my bragging goes for today. What it all boils down to is that I'm very glad that people like what I write. These statistics are a tremendous boost for my morale, and I will work really really hard to make the results even better when I show you the new figures in blog post 300.

In the mean time, keep reading!

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