Top 100 Best Books for Managers, Leaders & Humans (part 4)

part 1: 1-25 | part 2: 25-50 | part 3: 50-75 | part 4: 75-100 | blog post+description

Alright, I tricked you. Shame on me! The remaining 25 positions of the list are only available when you request the full PDF version. Don’t worry, it’s free!

If you want to receive the PDF version with the full Top 100 list, including ISBN-numbers and release dates, then you can send me an email and simply ask for it. I like getting email. And it will help your request tremendously if you told me that you’ve subscribed to my blog/feed. And don’t you dare deceiving me! I’ll be monitoring the feed statistics actively… 🙂

(Oh, and please allow me at least 24 hours to reply to your mail. I might be trying to recover from the hours of sleep I lost…)

You can download the complete list (in PDF) here

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