part 1: 1-25 | part 2: 25-50 | part 3: 50-75 | part 4: 75-100…
I like reading books. I like researching books. And I like listing the best books I found in my research.
This is a list of the 15 best books about self-publishing, based on reviews, ratings, and age.
This ranking of 15 best self-publishing books is the average of five different rankings: the number of Amazon reviews, the number of GoodReads reviews, the average Amazon rating, the average GoodReads rating, and the number of days since first publication. That means this list shows you a mix of the most popular, best rated, and (relatively) newest books in this category.
# | Title | Author | Year | |
1 |
2011 |
2 |
2013 |
3 |
2012 |
4 |
Author Publicity Pack |
2013 |
5 |
2010 |
6 |
2012 |
7 |
2011 |
8 |
How to Market and Sell Your eBook |
2011 |
9 |
Dan Poynter's Self-Publishing Manual |
2007 |
10 |
Self Publishing Books 101 |
2012 |
11 |
2010 |
12 |
2011 |
13 |
Be the Monkey |
2011 |
14 |
2013 |
15 |
The Well-Fed Self-Publisher |
2006 |
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