Global Book Tour

Announcing My New Global Book Tour!

My Management Workout book tour starts in June 2014. I will add as many cities as possible to my schedule, and I will organize a one-day workshop in each city.

Plans are useless. But planning is everything!

It is time to start planning the global book tour for my 3rd book. These are my current thoughts…

Exploration Days Front Frame Mini

The priorities for my schedule will be determined based on the number of subscribers on the Management Workout mailing list. My book tour goes where my readers are! This means that simply asking me, “Will you please come to our city?” is not going to have any effect. Sorry! It is more effective to invite your friends, colleagues, and community members to join the list.

Delegation Boards Front Frame MiniI will regularly publish a new backlog of countries, and I will schedule the high-priority countries/cities five months ahead. (I must also take into account possible translations of the book, meaning that some cities/countries may be postponed a month or two to give the translators a chance to finish their hard work.) As soon as I’ve scheduled a city people are able to sign up and register for the one-day workshop.


There will be a heavy reliance on self-organization with these events. I will let the participants discuss event locations, food, sponsoring, promotion, and evening entertainment. Additional opportunities around the workshops, such as company visits or local community talks, will be decided by the participants. This means that asking me, “Will you please come and speak for our user community?” will have no effect. You must convince the participants of the workshop that this a good idea! I will also invite participants to be social before and after the event. The Management Workout book tour will be supported with a number of on-line tools, including event pages, hangouts, photo sharing, wiki pages, and more.

Value Story Front Frame MiniThe workshops themselves will focus exclusively on the Management 3.0 practices described in the new book, with new games, exercises, and discussions. I will actively apply these practices to the workshop itself. You can expect to use Merit Money, the Feedback Wrap, Delegation Boards, Personal Maps, and other ideas both before and during the workshop.

Do you want to know more?

Sign up to the mailing list, and ask your friends to sign up as well. More details will be available to the readers on the mailing list.

Do you want to register for the workshop?

Business Guilds Front Frame MiniJoin the list and wait a couple of weeks (or months) for your country to come out on top on my backlog. As soon as I picked cities based on my readership I will make event/registration pages available for everyone.

I hope to see you some time this year!

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