50 Days Away from Home

I feel a bit strange.

Saturday was the first of a 50-day trip across the USA as part of my global book tour. I was on the first of what will be 14 flights, looking at a schedule comprised of 20+ cities, 17 events, 3 road trips, a couple of train rides, a handful of national parks, and many, many coffees.

I have never done this before. I’ve never been away from home for more than 4 weeks. Given that I’m someone who loves to be home, this will be a challenge. A slight feeling of homesickness is nothing strange to me.

Fortunately, I won’t be all alone. Raoul will join me on this trip after 14 days. And I’m looking forward to meeting many people with both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Maybe you are one of them! If you are, don’t be offended when I politely decline some social invitations. It will be hard enough already for me to keep my sanity. And I can only recharge when I’m not socializing.

Now and then, we should all do something that feels uncomfortable. When we do something that is a little bit scary, we are creating a new experience. And experiences make us happy. I’m sure I will feel that way about this trip as well.


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