Some More Favorite Posts

Last month my blog was exactly 5 years old. I celebrated this moment by asking readers which blog post had been the most important for them. And I sent some free goodies (games and a booklet) to everyone who replied. Here are some more comments that poured in…

(Oh and sorry, the deadline is closed now!)

“A recent one that stuck with me, and is actually causing me to stop every now and then and think about it, is Why Not Delight the Supplier? It's actually not as much the idea of delighting the supplier, but the idea that there are multiple stakeholders around every organization and every one of them ought to be looked after.”
– Flavius

“My favorite post is the T-Shirt Test. Although I doubt I would proudly wear a t-shirt with the photo of my pet on it, I got your point. It's a great source of reflection about the pride you or your team has of working in the organization, which is at the end key to have successful implication from the team in the projects.”
– Pierre

“One of the posts that I liked was 360 Degrees Dinner. We are currently doing 360 degrees evaluation by email. I liked your post because it made me think of another view of an important process I do not like.”
– Boris

“I did some browsing back the history of your blog until I found the very first post that led me to your site. "Top 15 Systems Thinking Books" was the title of it – and it was almost two years ago.”
– Oliver

“One of the most important for me was the post Top 100 Agile Books (Edition 2012). It was probably one of easiest posts for you :). Also I would like to mention the funniest part in your blog posts: Nonviolent Communication (Stop It!) and the Video from Bob Newhart (stop It). Stop It method could also help to avoid long, aimless, tough discussions. In big projects you always have such. ;)”
– Maxim

“For me it was: Is Your Work an Expression of Your Life? The funny thing is that this blog post was written at exactly the moment when I needed it 🙂 Since that time I believe in "changing work into life" and I'm quite comfortable to work anytime I feel like. It brought me lots of great ideas and makes me very happy.”
– Tomasz

“The most important post for me was The Big List of Agile Practices and for two things: At first it helps me to go deeper into the amazing world of Agile. It helped me for my thesis about Agile practices. In second, with it, I discovered the rest of your blog and then Management 3.0.
– Geoffrey

“I would choose "Why I Won't Take Your Call", because you are talking a little bit out of my own soul since I see it the same as you. Reachability has always been the virtue of the slaves and that's why I have an answering machine acting as a firewall to protect my free time. I even do not have a mobile phone! The other thing I like in your posts is your honest way of writing. This is refreshing in this day and age and it leaves me with a smile.”
– Heiko

“To me the most important blog post was Top 100 Blogs for Developers (Q1 2009). I know it's not a masterpiece in the sense of creativity (being just a collection of data), but to me it was exactly what I needed.”
– Gabriel

And that’s it.

Thanks everyone who participated. It’s great to know some of my work matters to you. Your feedback helps me to look forward to the next 5 years. 🙂


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