5 Years of Blogging, W00t! (Lustrum 5/5)

Today my blog is exactly 5 years old. Yay! And because 5 is my favorite number, I am celebrating this moment with 5 blog posts about the blog.

I have been asking readers which blog post has been most important for them. Here’s what some of them said this week:

Readers' input

My favourite post was this: I Made a Lot of Money, and It Made Me Very Happy, because it showed me that there was at least one honest man out there 😉

This one: Management 2.0 Is the Right Thing Done Wrong. Because after a couple of visits to your site, it's after reading this post that I immediately added you to my RSS feed, and every post since has changed something about the way I think about management.
– Max

My most important blog entry from your site was the one about the Kudo Box. I implemented it in our company as everyone signed already out in retrospectives how effective positive feedback is.
– Matthias

One of the most important for me was the post from June 2012 concerning egocentric leadership. This one was very important for me because it gave me the last kick to change my opinion on that matter.
– Martin

Actually I liked your videos best. They got me hooked up and eventually made me buy your books and starting my own business as software industry consultant. As I am into models, I liked your post about the Change Management 3.0 meta model.
– Clemens

In answer to your question which of your blogs was most important to me, it was the very first one that I read of yours, as it showed me that you were an original thinker with a quirky twist on management issues, and someone I knew I would really like to read more from.
– Melanie

I have to pick the Taking Care of Horses post. […] Knowing the root of the word manage and thinking about the analogy, caring for a team based on the type it is, in the same way you would care differently for a horse based on what type of horse it is, brought home the importance of someone who can cultivate a team(s) being the person responsible for managing that team's delivery.
– Andrew

I read your blog post about business guilds. I discussed it with several colleagues and 17 December we held the first business guild meeting. The result is, we have a business guild lunch meeting once a week. we have a common interest. And everybody is really enthusiastic and motivated. And the guild is already growing…. Thanks for this great idea.
– Mark

Your greatest contribution to my own development has been the introduction of complexity theory as a way of understanding how and why agile methods works. I am not sure which post to choose, but since I have to choose one it will be What (Else) Can Agile Learn from Complexity? (Presentation)
– Alf

I have taken lots of idea from your blog posts e.g. mood of the participant on exit door during a training course, or Kudo Card during my coaching/training engagement and all has been received well.
– Dinesh

I really liked your blog post on 3rd of January 2013 about the money you earned. I found it original and refreshing, because in the agile community (where I come from) this topic is generally tip-toed around.

What about you?

Send me an email explaining which of my 663 blog posts was important to you and why. Out of the contributions I will select 5×5 people who will get a signed copy of How to Change the World (limited color edition), with a set of Delegation Poker, Moving Motivators and some Kudo Cards. The deadline is 31 January 2013.

  • 5 Things I Will Change in 2013 (Lustrum 4/5)
  • Why I Won't Take Your Call
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