What (Else) Can Agile Learn from Complexity? (Presentation)

Next week on Tuesday is going to be my Big Day. I will be doing my first talk ever in the United States, and on Agile 2009 nonetheless!

One month later I will repeat the same session on the Agile Eastern Europe conference in Kiev, and two months later on the Scandinavian Agile Conference in Helsinki.

The title of my session is “What (Else) Can Agile Learn from Complexity?”, and in this talk I will attempt to show the audience that, apart from self-organizing teams and emergent design, there’s a lot more that software development can learn from complexity theory.

After many weeks of reading scientific articles, distilling ideas, searching quotes, and polishing slides, I can now finally show you the first version of my presentation. Please feel free to give me feedback. I know I will have to tweak the slides here and there to fit the various schedules and audiences.

And if you’re going to Agile 2009, I hope you can find the time to attend my talk on Tuesday, at 14:00hrs. I’ve noticed that I’m up against Alistair Cockburn, Mike Cohn, Mary Poppendieck, and several other celebrities. So it seems I can really use some of you to fill those empty chairs in the room!

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