I have 8,069 contacts in my database now, and 40 different tags. Many of those…
Every morning I spend 30 minutes catching up on blogs and news feeds.
Every morning I check my tasks for the day and the remaining ones for the week, and re-prioritize them where needed.
Every day I make a bit of time to check people’s status updates on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
Every day, at once per day, I handle my emails and try to get back to inbox zero.
Every day I try to write or do anything else that brings my new book closer to being finished.
Every day I try to do at least something for somebody else.
Every afternoon I go for a walk in the city, or in a park, for about 45 to 60 minutes.
Every day I attempt to reserve 15 minutes of doing nothing.
Every day I attempt to come up with a new oneliner or other concise smart-ass remark.
Every day I check what’s on my agenda for tomorrow.
Every evening I tag the people I’ve been in contact with in Google Contacts.
And every day I try to write a blog post.
What is on your list every day?