part 1: 1-25 | part 2: 25-50 | part 3: 50-75 | part 4: 75-100…
In this list you will not find books such as Trust Agents (Chris Brogan), Purple Cow (Seth Godin), or Six Pixels of Separation (Mitch Joel). I’m saving those for another list about trust and influence marketing.
You will also not find books such as Groundswell (Charlene Li), Likeonomics (Rohit Bhargava), or Putting the Public back in PR (Brian Solis). I’m saving those for a book list about reputation management and public relations.
And you won’t find The Connected Company (Dave Gray), SocialCorp (Joel Postman), or Socialnomics (Erik Qualman), because I am considering another book list about social business transformation.
Instead… this is purely a list about social media marketing. That’s it. Nothing else.
This ranking of 30 best social media marketing books is the average of five different rankings: the number of Amazon reviews, the number of GoodReads reviews, the average Amazon rating, the average GoodReads rating, and the number of days since first publication. That means this list shows you a mix of the most popular, best rated, and (relatively) newest books in this category.
I am an Amazon affiliate. By purchasing a book from this list you help me pay for this blog. And for coffee.
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