Remember: they are greeted by clothes The first thing a girl sees is, of course,…
In some earlier blog posts I wrote that intrinsic motivation is preferred over extrinsic motivation. Nothing new there, I’m sure. But what is intrinsic motivation? Well, let’s investigate, starting with Self-determination theory.
Self-determination theory is a general model of intrinsic motivation that differentiates between three main intrinsic needs. These needs are universal, innate, and psychological:
Another theory was proposed by Professor Steven Reiss. He found that 16 basic desires guide nearly all human behaviors:
Acceptance, the need for approval |
Physical Activity, or exercise |
Curiosity, the need to think |
Power, the need for influence of will |
Eating, the need for food |
Romance, the need for love and sex |
Family, the need to raise children |
Saving, the need to collect |
Honor, being loyal to a group |
Social Contact, the need for friends |
Idealism, the need for social justice |
Status, the need for social standing |
Independence, being an individual |
Tranquility, the need to be safe |
Order, or stable environments |
Vengeance, the need to strike back |
I know that some businesses are quite adept at providing opportunities for eating, sex, and vengeance, but I would prefer to focus on some of the other innate human desires. I believe a number of these can be directly targeted by managers:
You can make it a regular activity to review all ten items on this list, and remind yourself that you need to do something about one thing or another. Such tasks typically fall in the important-but-not-urgent range, meaning that it is easy to forget about them.
Also, when there is a need to improve people's motivation, review this list and try to come up with things that address some of their basic desires. In the long run it will help you much more than a salary raise.
(images by woodleywonderworks and whatmegsaid)
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