In response to my previous articles about the Top 200 Blogs for Developers and the…
Today our team delivered a new version of Sociotoco Search. We’ve worked for months on this little baby, and we firmly believe it is now the best people search tool in the world. Of course, that’s just our opinion. But we have good reasons for this claim. Here’s why:
Since the first (silent) release last week we got some very encouraging feedback. The only real problem some people report is the fact that we created the GUI with Silverlight. Because Silverlight doesn’t work (well) on Linux or Mac.
So, why Silverlight?
Because our tool is free, and we wanted it to be fun to build. And (for us) neither Ajax nor Flash is fun.
If it’s free, why did you build it?
Because we need hands-on experience in working with all the major social networks. We now have experience with caching problems with Flickr, alternate layouts of MySpace screens, the LinkedIn API (or lack thereof), the terrible results of Twitter’s search, the vanity url issue on Facebook, etc. Hands-on experience is worth a lot when you’re trying to create a new social media business unit.
What else have you planned?
We have plenty of ideas (and too little time). Very high on our backlog is an API for developers, so that they can simply plug into our system to let us do the search, and concentrate on their own systems and GUI’s. We will specialize in further increasing the quality of search results. And we will work on building intelligence into the system, so that it will learn from earlier searches.
And of course, if you have some better ideas, feel free to hit the Feedback button on left side of the screen!
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