ALE 2014

Are You Going to ALE 2014?

Did you know ALE is the only event where I pay so that I can attend?
I hope to see you in August in Kraków.

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Book Tour 2014

Book Tour Schedule 2014

Last week was Sweden-week in the Management 3.0 Book Tour, with workshops in Stockholm and Gothenburg. (Check out the videos!) This week ...

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Run! Jurgen, Run!

Run! Jurgen, Run!

I tried running, and it didn’t work. I suffered from shin splints. No matter what kind of shoes I wore, what stretching exercises I...

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Agile Is Not Dead

Agile Is Not Dead (But Some Organizations Might Be Soon)

The concept of agility is fine. Agile is not dead. But organizations misapplying good agile practices might be very soon.

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Workshop Experiments

Experimenting with Better Workshops

The first two workshops were a bit scary! (Well, for me they were.) As a facilitator, I’m trying many things for the first time. So...

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Read a Book

Read a Book! Or Two.

I started running. Again.

But unlike previous (failed) attempts, this time, I want to do it right. This time, I intend to learn. T...

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Flexible Work Areas Should Be Enjoyable Work Areas

In Brussels, I have my favorite coffee house (Karsmakers) and my favorite chair (the big one on the right). Sadly, I cannot always have i...

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How to Earn Your Medal

I was 11 years old when I participated in our small town’s annual four-day swimathon. It was less spectacular than it sounds: kids ...

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Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and… Finland

Registration for Austria and Switzerland has also opened last week! And we added Denmark into the mix, just for fun!

Would you li...

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Conversation with Dr. John Kotter

Last week I had an inspiring video chat with Dr. John P. Kotter, bestselling author of the books Leading Change and Our Iceberg is Meltin...

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Conversation with Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is the bestselling author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, and several other books about coaching and l...

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Bob Burg

Conversation with Bob Burg

Bob Burg is an expert on the topics of influence and persuasion. He is the bestselling (co)author of the The Go-Giver and he recently pub...

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