
How to Paint the World

I’m painting our house and I’m doing it the agile way. I might call it Agile Painting, or Painting 3.0.

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My Big List of Agility, Innovation, and Leadership Topics

It’s early September. A new “work season” is starting for many people, including yours truly. One promise I made to mys...

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“Which tool is the best?” (Your brain!)

Last Wednesday, during my “Create Kanban Systems” webinar, one of the attendees asked me about the best tool for creating Kan...

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Can you help me out of my crisis?

I’m in crisis mode.I can use your help. My Agility Scales startup has failed (so far) and is temporarily on hold, waiting for an opport...

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Wanted: T-Skilled Marketing Wizard

My name is Jurgen Appelo. I am the author of Management 3.0, How to Change the World, #Workout, and Managing for Happiness. Next year, I ...

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Wanted: T-Skilled Design Hero

My name is Jurgen Appelo. I am the author of Management 3.0, How to Change the World, #Workout, and Managing for Happiness. Next year, I ...

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Available Soon: Co-ownership of Management 3.0

Exactly one year ago, Management 3.0 was named as the front-runner of “The Third Wave of Agile“. In 2015, the Management 3.0 ...

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Facebook privacy! I am SHOCKED.

I am SHOCKED. I have been following the conversations around Facebook’s (lack of) privacy rules and people inform me that Facebook ...

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My Core Values

I’m writing this the day after Donald Trump won the election to become the 45th President of the United States. It is a day many of...

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My Purpose

As part of my (soon-to-be-announced) Agility Scales project, I decided to practice what I preach, lead by example, and eat my own dog foo...

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The Future of Management 3.0

Do you want to own and scale up one of the most innovative leadership brands in the world? Six years ago, I started working on Management...

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Manage Your Workshops with Workshop Butler

I am officially an investor now. I have always been an investor. After all, I have always invested my time, energy, and resources in idea...

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