Hanging out...

Hanging Out with Belgium and The Netherlands

I had great hangouts recently with people in Belgium and people in The Netherlands. Some observations from the participants in Belgium:

  • Managers in Belgium were called “risk averse” even though the managers do see the importance of agile transformations;
  • There are major problems with legislation. Freedom for workers is hard to implement because of many rules and regulations in Belgium;
  • For modern workshops it was suggested to visualize all topics on the wall, and to use story mapping to drill down to people’s needs.

Some observations from people in The Netherlands:

  • Agile transformations seem to be easier in The Netherlands than in other countries because of the open management culture;
  • We discussed the challenge of an open backlog of discussion items in a workshop that is supposed to cover a book with fixed topics.

And we discussed much more, of course. You will just have to watch the videos yourself. 🙂

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