My Work (21)

The Idea Farmer

I hope people will not call me a thought leader. That’s scary… I want people to think for themselves. I'm an idea farmer. I r...

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A New Project Life Cycle

I've introduced a new project life cycle model in our organization. It's an exotic cocktail, created from 1/3 DSDM, 1/3 Scrum and...

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Self-Organized Quality Improvement

Today I counted no less than four new initiatives promoted by our employees: A business consultant found a good tool that could help us t...

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(Very) Frequent Delivery

The frequent delivery principle in agile methods tells us that we should deliver products to our customers frequently. Quite often a fixe...

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Software Development Book List

I'm trying to read the most importants books on the subject of software development (and particulary the managing part of it). Resear...

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Complex Resource Management

How do you manage 8 people working on 20 projects, more or less at the same time? This is one of the toughest challenges me and my collea...

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To Translate or Not to Translate

I have finished translating my latest article (which is about Code Ownership). I translated it from Dutch to English, which, as I explain...

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This Week’s Progress

This week I finished a new article (in Dutch) which deals with code ownership, which I prefer to call artifact assignment. The article is...

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Why I Started This Blog

The reason I started this blog is as follows: I intend to write a book. In fact, I am already working on it. It's going to be a book ...

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