Life & Work (107)
Where I Was in 2013

25 Countries, 40 Cities, 200 Days

I feel I’m blessed. This year I traveled to 25 countries, had events in 40 cities, and spent almost 200 nights away from home. (See the...

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When Something Is Painful, Start Doing It Daily

When Something Is Painful, Do It Daily

When something hurts, do it every day. The pain will turn into joy. There’s a well-known argument in favor of continuous delivery in th...

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Promote Yourself!

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of self-promotion. How else are people going to know you might be able to generate value for them?...

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A Colossal Waste of Time

A Colossal Waste of Time

Four hours of driving seems like a colossal waste of time. Last night I drove from Vienna (Austria) to Zagreb (Croatia). It wasn’t chea...

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Agile FM

Agile.FM Podcast

Jochen Krebs of the Agile NYC community, and host of Agile.FM, asked me to participate in a podcast. We talked about Management 3.0 Worko...

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Work-Life Integration and Work-Play Balance

I don’t aim for work-life balance. I aim for work-play balance, based on work-life integration.

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The Meaning of Work

Do you seek a balance between work and life? Or is your meaning of work also the meaning of life? Abraham Maslow’s famous hierarchy of ...

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Blueprint for a Tribal Business (Presentation)

This is the new presentation that I gave for the first time at DARE 2013 in Antwerp. It explains the reasons behind the organization of H...

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What Makes a Great Conference?

I’ve been asking around on email and on the social networks what makes a conference memorable, special, or amazing.  This topic h...

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The Happy Melly Team

Friday was an important day for me. After months of preparations, announcements, and discussions Happy Melly finally took a small but sig...

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One Out of Five

I once made some simple cartoon strips and sent them to several national newspapers, asking them if they wanted to publish my outbursts o...

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How I Organize My Work (with Remember the Milk)

Frequently people ask me, “How can you be so productive?” The question seems a bit strange to me, because I often consider myself not...

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I really had fun getting to know the canadian cigarette brands sold through They were amazing kind and really try to give back to the community.