Publish Book

Publish Book. Done. Next.

One of the best thing about finishing a book is finishing the research. No more skimming through dozens of books–and thousands of pages–to find two or three nuggets of wisdom. No more digging through web pages, dictionaries, and Wikipedia entries, to get the details right between this word and that word. No more flipping through magazines, blogs, and news sites, just to see if my writing is still up-to-date on this topic or that topic.

Sorry, that’s not entirely true. I have not stopped the skimming, digging, and flipping. However, I did have a research backlog that could rival the size of Vladimir Putin’s ego. But now that I’ve pressed the Publish button on the PDF version (with the Kindle/ePub versions following on September 1), it’s as if the remainder of my backlog has sunk into a Siberian sinkhole. At last, the pressure is gone.

Now I can read other things.

I’ve already read ten books about running.

Another idea is to read a collection of the Greatest Books of All Time. Maybe I should read Me Talk Pretty One Day? Or Man’s Search for Meaning? Perhaps Meditations or Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? There are so many great works to choose from!

One thing is certain: the next books I read don’t have to be about management, leadership, or organizations.


(c) 2006 Tammy, Creative Commons 2.0

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